teenager life is challenging? NOT

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March 8, 2014 by maryamjafs

Bruv did you wake up on the right side of the bed this morning? Dr. Johana Johnson’s pessimistic statement that ‘life is too challenging for young people nowadays’ is so wrong. Why? Because as a young person yourself, you will agree that living in the UK our lives are carefully mapped out for us. IF we want to go to university, we have loans to pay for our fees. Tired of your family? Get emancipated and live in a flat, all expenses paid by the government. Don’t like your area. Travel free (excluding trains) all day long to your hearts content. Bored of Shakespeare in school? Change your GCSE course. These small everyday obstacles give you a reason to fight for what you believe in.


Before the twentifirst century young people in England had no say of their own and had to abide by what their elders told them. No matter however much strongly they felt against them – they were their superiors.


Now we the freedom to do as we please, young people are no longer seen as scapegoats rather they are seen as young adults with their driving licenses and work permits. As well as older children who get discount at the cinema or theatre. Young people undoubtly get the best of both worlds. With their fast cars they can break the speed limits and pay a tenth of the fine an adult pays. Or they can play video games and be excused from giving in their homework. Young people nowadays are definitely living the dream!

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